AI Autopilot for personal emails

Picture this: you're staring at your screen, trying to craft the perfect email. You know it needs to be personal, engaging, and persuasive. But how? Your mind goes blank. We've all been there. Writing personal emails can be a daunting task, and doing it at scale feels nearly impossible. But what if I told you there's a magical solution? Enter GetReplies, the AI system that crafts personal emails designed to get replies.

The struggle is real

We all want our emails to grab attention and drive engagement. Yet, writing such emails is a skill many of us struggle with. Worse still, scaling this effort manually is a nightmare. You might think, "There are plenty of tools out there to help with this, right?" True, but most fall into the same trap: they believe personalizing an email means cramming it with facts about the recipient.

Think about it. You get an email that starts with, "I see you studied at XYZ University and worked at ABC Corp." Your reaction? Probably a yawn. Why? Because you already know this about yourself. It adds no value. This is where many email tools go wrong. They focus on including more and more information about the recipient, but this approach is flawed.

The problem with over-personalization

The most popular method of personalizing emails is by including a differentiated icebreaker, like a statement about the recipient's education or work experience. However, this doesn't offer any real value to the recipient. It's just restating facts they already know. Worse, it makes it easy for recipients to spot AI-generated emails, making them more likely to ignore them. And ignoring is the last thing we want!

Introducing GetReplies: The game-changer

Here’s where GetReplies shines. This AI system is designed to write emails that feel personal and human, without falling into the over-personalization trap. How? By focusing on storytelling. GetReplies crafts emails that outline a problem the prospect faces and how your offering can solve it. It delivers this story in simple, crisp, and engaging messages, complete with necessary emotions.

GetReplies doesn't just throw in details about the prospect's background. Instead, it crafts emails that drive engagement by making the content relevant and interesting.

User inputs to GetReplies


Naveen Prabhu



Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies


GetReplies is a Gen AI tool for creating personal emails to target 10% reply rate from cold email campaigns. We built GetReplies because we got tired of using other products which were unable to craft emails to grab attention and get replies.

Case study

Helped Acme Inc get 12.3% reply rate from their lead generation email campaign in India to socialize their new integrated healthcare solution for senior citizens. The solution comprises of a wearable device and an integrated app to help young adults proactively monitor health of their aging parents remotely.

CTA link


Sample output, first three emails


Personal emails

Email 1

Hi John,

I am Naveen Prabhu, Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies.

I understand the challenges of managing email campaigns and the frustration of not getting sufficient responses.

At GetReplies, we developed a Gen AI tool designed to create personal emails aimed at achieving a 10% reply rate from cold email campaigns. We successfully helped Acme Inc achieve a 12.3% reply rate for their lead generation email campaign.

I'd love to hear your insights about this problem and how our solution might help.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

Email 2

Hi John,

I am Naveen Prabhu, Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies.

It can be really disheartening when carefully crafted email campaigns do not yield the desired response. I've been there too.

Our AI tool, GetReplies, specializes in generating personalized emails to boost reply rates. It's been proven effective with clients like Acme Inc who saw a 12.3% reply rate.

Your insights would be invaluable to us.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

Email 3

Hi John,

A lot of professionals in similar positions find generic outreach to be ineffective, leading to wasted efforts and opportunities.

GetReplies aims to change that with our Gen AI tool that crafts highly personal emails. Our clients, such as Acme Inc, have experienced enhanced reply rates, achieving up to 12.3%.

Your feedback could help us refine this even further.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

Output: Without data enrichment


Quick sync

Email 1

Hi John,

I am Naveen Prabhu, Co-Founder & CEO at GetReplies.

We built GetReplies because we were frustrated with other tools that couldn't craft engaging emails. Our goal is to make cold email campaigns more effective by focusing on personal emails and engagement.

Our tool recently helped Acme Inc achieve a 12.3% reply rate on their email campaign to introduce a healthcare solution for senior citizens. It included a wearable device and an app for health monitoring.

Would love to hear your thoughts on email engagement and any challenges you face.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

Email 2

Hi John,

I am Naveen Prabhu, Co-Founder & CEO at GetReplies.

We created GetReplies out of necessity. We've been where you are, struggling with tools that didn't drive responses. Our product ensures that your emails grab attention and spark conversations.

For example, Acme Inc saw a 12.3% reply rate with our tool, helping them introduce a new healthcare solution effectively.

Looking forward to your insights on cold email challenges.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

Email 3

Hi John,

We built GetReplies to solve the common problem of low engagement in email campaigns. It's personal for us because we've experienced this first-hand and wanted a better solution.

Our tool helped Acme Inc achieve a 12.3% reply rate, showcasing the effectiveness of personal emails in introducing new products.

Would love to discuss the challenges you face with email response rates.

Naveen Prabhu,
Co-Founder & CEO, GetReplies

The takeaway

GetReplies is more than just an AI tool; it’s a revolution in email marketing. By focusing on storytelling and engagement, it avoids the pitfalls of over-personalization and delivers emails that feel human. The example above showcases how GetReplies can transform email campaigns, whether you have detailed information about your prospects or not.

Imagine the time and effort you’ll save with an AI system that not only writes your emails but does so in a way that maximizes response rates. GetReplies offers a practical solution to a common problem, making it a must-have tool for anyone involved in email marketing.

Call to action: Try it now!

Ready to see the magic for yourself? Get started with GetReplies today. You can sign up for free and test the product without needing a credit card. Plus, early users get free credits to execute email campaigns. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your email marketing efforts.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the future of email marketing with GetReplies. Your inbox will thank you.

Get started for free

Gen AI email autopilot to craft personal emails at scale ​for lead generation, lead nurture, investor outreach and more